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Strategy 06 December 2022

Keno Winning Strategies

Keno Winning Strategies

Do you want to discover the best keno winning strategies? That's great because we have that for you. This article examines keno, a well-liked game available at most offline and online casinos. Although it is not as well-known as slots or table games, video poker still has a strong following and is in high demand, so most online casinos will provide at least one version of the game.

As a general rule, playing keno is not at all challenging. On a board with eighty numbers, you simply choose the ones you want to play, wait for the balls to be drawn, and cross your fingers that they land on the numbers you selected. However, there are strategies you can use to increase your chances of success in keno.

Like slot players, most keno players have certain numbers they prefer to play, just as they do with slots. Numerous factors, including birthdays, anniversaries, significant dates on the calendar in their lives, and various other factors, can be used to explain why that is. Naturally, using those numbers gives you the same chances to win as using any other number does, just like in any game of chance. This is so because a random number generator is used to create all online keno results. The results of the next game will differ from those of the prior or subsequent games, regardless of whether you choose to play the same numbers each time or choose different numbers based on previous results.

So, how can you increase your chances of winning at keno? In this article, just as we did in our guide to winning at slots, we'll look at a number of strategies that can help.


Strategies for Online Keno Betting Success

There are a number of strategies you can use to increase your chances of winning when playing keno at an online casino.

It's best to play a variety of combinations when playing keno. If the numbers you selected are drawn, using 3-, 4-, and 5-number combinations will result in slightly higher payouts. This playing method has the advantage of allowing you to play multiple tickets simultaneously, improving your odds while lowering your ticket costs. Based on keno games that permit multiple games to be played simultaneously, try switching between the three and changing the number of numbers you are playing if only one keno ticket can be played. This can involve choosing combinations of six, seven, eight, or nine numbers as well as playing the maximum of fifteen.

Playing the same set of numbers in a series of games is another tactic that many players employ. You can typically play one game, five games, or ten games in a row in the majority of online keno games. This will improve your chances of hitting the targeted numbers, but keep in mind that this is a game of chance and that no plan can guarantee success.
In contrast, the payout for hitting seven out of seven numbers is 6232 to 1, which is equivalent to a payout of $100, while the odds of hitting six out of six numbers are 7,753 to 1. 

In the future, playing eight numbers gives you odds of 230,114.60, but the payout is $720, and hitting nine out of nine numbers gives you odds of 8,911,711.18, but the payout again increases significantly to $1200. In order to balance your chances of success, it is wise to change the numbers in play. Increasing the number of played numbers may reduce the likelihood of hitting all the numbers, but doing so will result in significantly higher payouts.


Target the Jackpot

The basic keno rule is that the more numbers you select, the more money you could win.  Nothing is guaranteed, of course, but if you're going to play, you might as well aim for the jackpot since winning it ought to be your constant objective. While keno tickets that result in 3, 4, or 5 ball wins will pay less when played with fifteen numbers, they still enable you to keep your bankroll intact and continue playing until larger number tickets come into play.

Remember that even though the odds of hitting all fifteen numbers are extremely high (428,010,179,098.40), the payout is $10,000 or more, and most people would be happy with that kind of winnings. So keep this strategy in mind as you play, vary the number of numbers you use, but don't forget to play all fifteen frequently; if you do, lady luck might just smile warmly your way.


Spread Your Bets

Another useful tactic for spreading out the risk you are taking during longer keno sessions is to balance where you place your bets. This is known as the "Ying Yang" theory because it states that the top portion of your keno card is the "Yin" and the bottom portion is the "Yang." You balance your chances by dividing your numbers between the two.

Even though this has never been proven, it makes sense because not all of the balls drawn will focus on one side of the keno card. Naturally, there will be times when one half has a larger number representation than the other, but this will even out over time, so taking this into account when making decisions will eventually increase your chances of winning at keno.




tags: Strategy

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